Why do I Need a Website? My Business is already on Social Media

1. Websites are Professional
One of the first things customers expect from businesses is professionalism. Not to undermine social media platforms, which can be just as professional if managed well, but websites are more akin to meet customer expectations. Having a well-designed, intuitive, and dynamic website immediately sends the message that your business is alive and legitimate. A frequently updated website sends the message that your business is flexible and adapts well to changes in technology. Ultimately, having a website just shows your customers that you are real and you are ready to do business with them. It is an immediate way to tell your customers that you are the real deal.
2. Websites puts you in Control
What separates a website from a social media business page is the amount of control you are allowed to have on the page. Having your own website allows you to manage your website as you please. From the design, features, and the content, having your own website allows you to customize your page as your business demands. Social media platforms, on the other hand, usually provide built-in marketing tools and integrations, but for the most part, your control of your own business page is limited by the platforms’ rules, regulations, and policies. This may be a non-issue initially, but as you read on, you will discover how having complete control of your website influences your business more than you may have initially perceived. Own your business. Own a website.
Websites allow you to immediately build your
branding without relying too heavily on customer reviews.

3. Websites support your Branding
As you control your website, you are also able to control what kind of information you are able to put out about your business. This means you can also control your image — your branding. Customer reviews are nice, but your business will benefit greatly if you can filter which reviews will get to your site. Websites allow you to immediately build your branding without relying too heavily on customer reviews. Let your business speak for itself.
4. Websites allows you to initiate the Buyer’s Journey
As mentioned earlier, most customers nowadays go online to solve their problems. They go to the internet for solutions, and in many cases, you happen to have them. Without a website, they cannot find you, and you will not be able to initiate the Buyer’s Journey — the process your customer takes with you as you guide them on how you can help them solve their problems. It’s not to be said that social media platforms cannot do the same. However, going back to the topic of control, websites allow you to better customize the customer experience in such a way that is efficient and satisfying. The amount of control and customization you can do to the Buyer’s Journey is what makes the difference.
5. Websites are independent from Trends
Believe it or not, there was a time when most internet users were on MySpace and Facebook was just a student directory. Come 2019, and Facebook has turned into a social media giant and MySpace is now geared towards music more than personality profiles. Needless to say, social media platforms are heavily reliant on trends. What maybe trendy now, may be entirely different tomorrow. With such uncertainty, it is risky to have your business page dependent on one social media platform. Websites are more consistent and future-proof. Since you are in control of how your site looks and operates, you can always update it in such a way that benefits your business the best. It is yours and it will be there for as long as your customers are still in the internet.
This does not intend to discourage you from having your own social media page. In fact, you should have one alongside your website. Online marketing is all about allowing your customers to find you as fast as possible using any search engine available to them. So the more platforms you engage in, the better. It’s all about distinguishing the strengths of each platform and utilizing them accordingly. To give you some idea, here are some things to keep in mind when thinking about your website and social media strengths.
Online marketing is all about allowing your customers to find you as fast as possible…
Your website is GREAT:
For customizing your buyer’s journey and overall branding:
As discussed earlier, the control and customization websites allow heavily influences most aspects of your business. This allows you to modify your branding and customer experiences as you please.
As your online control center:
Your website is your own. You are not limited by a host-site or social media platform. Therefore, you should take advantage of this and make it the virtual control center of your operations. All other online platforms you have should lead to your website. It is a powerful marketing tool, but you should mainly see it as your business’ online head quarters.

Your social media is GREAT:
For quick-communications and reactions
Social media is quickly accessible to most of your customers and almost each social media platform allows for a quick-communication feature. Take advantage of this by using your social media platform as easy and FREE means of making quick-communications with your customers. This includes commenting answers to minor questions, reacting to trends, or leading your customers to your site.
For creating a persona
Social media platforms have grown to become about personality profiles. Customers expect pages and profiles to have some sort of personality. Using social media to establish a personality for your business is an effective way to make your customers relate to you. It’s an opportunity to be likeable, take it!
For creating or following trends
As mentioned earlier, social media platforms are hubs of viral and trending ideas. It is difficult and mostly coincidental to create trends, but following them and using them to your advantage is always a quick way to boost your reach. Done correctly, it is also a good way to make your business relatable and likeable.
As your marketing tool
If your website is your control center, your social media platforms should be your marketing tools. Your social media should not replace your website. Instead, they should work as supporting branches to the main head. Use your social media to increase your reach, but all social media roads should lead back to your website.
Your customers look for you online. Sometimes through certain social media platforms, but mostly through a search engine. If you are not in the internet, they will never find you. Your online presence is essential to growing your business. Create your own website today. Trust me, you need one.